Monday, August 8, 2011

vison & dreams come true

God is releasing so much vision over my life in this season. two areas he has been giving me vision for is church planting & seeing children healed, raised up and released into greatness.

church planting
the vision:
seeing people experience the love and power of God through relationship with him. sharing what they are discovering with their friends and family (those they are living life with); going on a journey together, in community, towards Jesus. being transformed by his love and grace. learning to love God, listen to him and respond to what he is saying.

seeing broken & hurting children restored in the Father's love
the vision:
seeing kids experience the Father's great love for them. learning to hear His voice for themselves. seeing the lies of the world and the evil one removed from their sweet hearts and replaced with the truth and love of God. seeing the 'least of these' raised up to be influencers and leaders in their generation.

i have been sensing from the Lord that these vision are to be married and that it is what the Lord is calling me to in the future. i have also been sensing that it is a season of seeing glimpses of these dreams that the Father has put in my heart come to be...

Lily*. a sweet, sweet church planter.
this child has been experiencing Jesus in powerful ways. she lives in the poorest part of masi. she is a bright girl, a natural leader. and she loves the Father because she knows him well. she knows his goodness, his love, his mercy. she has experienced his healing in her and through her. she has seen Jesus in dreams. she knows the Father's voice and receives his words for others. and she wants her friends to know her Father like she does. so she has asked me to help her start a kids club for the kids in the wetlands where she lives because they need to know about Jesus too! tomorrow will be our first kids club. and it will not be me leading this thing. she is partnering with me to lead this group because, although she is a child, she knows the Father well.

i am thanking the Father for giving me a glimpse of what it will look like for the visions He is placing deep in my heart to come together. i am so thankful for dreams come true and for the glorious future He is leading me into.

*name changed

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