Wednesday, August 3, 2011

abundant blessings: camp in africa

summer camp in africa.

we laughed, we played, we basked in the Lord’s blessings. his ABUNDANT blessings.

from start to finish, this camp was blessed by the hand of God. it was his idea and he was so faithful to see it happen. and not only just happen, but be extravagantly wonderful! from having the team from Shepherd’s Fold Ranch summer camp (inlcuding my mom, one of my closest friends and many other friends), to the miraculous number of kids that were able to come, to having the Lord provide over and beyond the funds needed, to the heavenly weather...we were lavished upon by the Father!

of course. when the Lord has an idea and we are faithful to partner with him, the miraculous happens!

and the Father loves to lavish his love and goodness over his children, his special treasures. and that is what these kids are! all week, over and over and over, we spoke this very truth over our kids...

you are His special treasure!

you are pursued by the God of the universe...he is after YOU!

and he is worthy to be sought after because he is SO GOOD!

after weeks and weeks and weeks of growing excitement (and words can not express how pumped they were), these kids were READY for camp! they played hard, danced, sang, received lots of fun treats, performed dramas, went on hikes, played at the beach nearby, ate great food and just enjoyed being together.

and this camp was priceless for me and the other mentors because it meant non-stop quality time with these kids we love so much. i feel that we received such new insight into their lives that we never would have received by visiting them weekly or at kids clubs. trust and friendship deepened during the camp, for us and the kids, as well as, between the kids themselves.

and we are already seeing the fruit!

  • at our weekly friday gathering in masi the following day after camp, we were blown away to see the difference in relationships. family and deeper community was formed and barriers broken down amongst the kids. ndiyabonga! (oh i am so thankful!)

  • i visited the mama who takes care of five of the kids who were at camp. she went on and on, recalling their stories. this mama has been struggling with a lot of knee pain, so i asked her how it was feeling. she said, “oh the pain is gone! the kids prayed for it when they got back from camp and i was healed!” dumiso uThixo! (praise God!)

  • i also was visiting with a family of one of the kids from camp. i asked them if she enjoyed the camp. they said “oh yes! she loved it! when can you come and do bible study with us?” the testimonies of what God did through this child has stirred up a spiritual hunger in her family! ndiyabulela! (i am so grateful!)

we were truly showered in God’s goodness and my heart is still praising God!

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