Saturday, September 10, 2011

thank GOD he is GOD.

i have been learning a few things afresh lately...

1. God is who he says He is
2. God can do what He says He can do
3. I am who God says I am
4. I can do all things through Jesus
5. the Word of God is alive and active in me
(from beth moore's study, Believing God.)

there have been many moments lately, where in past times, i would have panicked, freaked,and frantically found my own solution. but it has been a different story in these past weeks. i have been letting the truths above SOAK into my heart and my spirit.

i am a DAUGHTER, not an orphan.
i am not left alone to fend for myself.
Papa God has every resource in heaven made ready for me...if i will just ask...with a bit of faith.

here is one glimpse at a moment in my life that can be explained as nothing but a sweet kiss from the Father...

its time for kids club. the prayer shack is packed (and i mean PACKED) with excited, energetic, crazy kids. i haven't seen so many at kids club in a long time, nor have i ever seen them so bursting with energy. the person coming to translate for me has bailed. the backup can't come. this is not the first time this has happened in the past two months since my unbelievably amazing friend, Nosipo*, who was helping me with kids club, moved to a nearby township. i step outside the prayer shack to lift my hands to the heavens and cry out for a miraculous provision of a translator, hoping someone will just materialize. nothing. so i say, "okay i am starting this club in faith that someone will just pop in the door." i gather the children in a circle and begin the club...

suddenly, the door comes swinging open and Nosipo comes busting through..."SURPRISE!" all the kids begin cheering in celebration because they are so happy to see her. but no one is cheering louder than me. i am filled with laughter and tears, as the reality hits me...

i am a DAUGHTER and my Papa loves taking care of me!
i get to rest in his strength, in his love, in his grace all my days.

"Let the Beloved of the Lord rest secure in Him, for he shields her all day long. the one the Lord loves rests between his shoulders." Deuteronomy 33:12

let Papa God take care of you today! trust him to be who He says He is. thank you God!

*name changed.

1 comment:

  1. love this, so good to hear. love me some Beth Moore! love your heart Whitney, for sure a sweet picture of the tenderness of God!
