Sunday, September 4, 2011

my heart is FULL.

even as i write this post two weeks later, my heart is FULL.
full of joy. full of love. and full of thankfulness.

i often think, "how could the Father love me so much that he would give me my sister?"

i am thankful beyond measure that the Father made a way for her to come and visit me here in cape town!

our 10 days together were packed with adventures, laughing, talking, dance parties, more talking, sister crafts, visiting my friends & kids, laughing, laughing and even more laughing.

there is nothing like being with my sister. we really are one. she knows me like no one else does...the deepest parts of my heart, where i have come from, the things i dream for. i don't have to explain myself, i know she loves and treasures me. its BLISS being with my sister!

i took some "holiday time" while lauren was here and got rested up! it was such a glorious time getting to take a step back, slow down and enjoy being with my sis.

i brought laur along to some of the kids clubs i lead in masi...of course they LOVED her immediately. it was so fun to bring my sis along with me in my normal life, for her to get to see what i have been doing here. it was that much better loving on these sweet kids with my sister by my side. what BLISS!

and oh there is something about being with my sister that is so inspiring, so stirring. the way she sees life and Jesus with such passion, joy and wholehearted desire. i LOVE it! i love the things she draws out of my heart! oh the BLISS!

isn't she the cutest?! (celebrating her 23rd birthday!)

thank you Jesus for my sister and for our holiday of all holidays!

1 comment:

  1. yeah!! i am sooooo glad that you had that time with your sister!!! i LOVE your dynamic and love that you are family! i am praying and believing for tweedle-poo time this december. our house might just explode with laughter.
