All Nations is a non for profit organization that seeks to partner with the Holy Spirit to pioneer simple Jesus-centered communities in homes, businesses, or anywhere Jesus is not worshiped. The All Nation’s family focuses on bringing the love and hope of Jesus in a holistic way, meeting people’s needs on all levels. The All Nation’s family is full of people who passionately love Jesus, desire for him to be worshipped by all peoples, and who burn to see justice come to the poor and oppressed. I am so eager to fully give myself to this beautiful family and to run after the Kingdom with them!
For more information on the different ways that YOU
can get involved with Vulnerable Children program
go to:
After spending five months in Cape Town, South Africa participating in All Nation’s Church Planting school, CPx, I have never felt more excited and committed to giving my life to see the Kingdom of God touch the ends of the earth! During my time there I received so much wisdom and strategy for bringing the love of God to spiritually desperate and hungry people, and making disciples of Jesus who will go and make more disciples. I was equipped to be a catalyst for movements that will transform entire communities. The Lord also began to speak to me about the dreams and plans he has over my life. He began stirring up in new ways things that he has placed deep within my heart; a passion to see oppressed, broken, hurting, unloved and abused children raised up to know God, to love him and to hear his voice. For families to be restored; fathers returning to their children, mothers healed and set free, and their children to live in families where they will be loved, treasured and raised up! This is so near to God’s heart!
For many years now, the cry of my heart has been for the poor, the unloved, the hopeless and the broken to be changed by the love and hope of their heavenly Father. I have grown more and more eager to give up the comforts of my life here to pursue the Lord’s Kingdom in the hard, dark places that so desperately need the light of Jesus! In recent years, the Lord has given me a passion for church planting movements (movements consisting of simple communities of faith whose aim is to see disciples producing disciples and simple churches producing more simple churches.) And now the Lord has led me to an opportunity to learn what it looks like to marry together my heart for the restoration of families and the vision for church planting!
I will be working with All Nations as a volunteer. I will need $1500 a month (for basic living expenses), as well as $7,000 in one time costs (plane ticket and rental car). I am currently working to save money; however, I am in great need of help from my family and friends! If you are interested in giving monthly while I am there or giving a one-time gift I would be forever grateful! (There are directions on the right side of this blog page for how to give! or email me: WhitneyElise211@gmail.com for questions).
ALSO, I am building my prayer team! I am desperate for your prayers and intercession! Please email me (WhitneyElise211@gmail.com) if you would like to join!
much love,